«Keep Moving Forward» – studioalbum – to be released in 2024
I have held off releasing both of my two recorded studioalbums due to several reasons.…
THE BEGINNING: It started with music being played in the house at all times. My Mum and Dad both played guitar– and they played music all the time at home and in the car! I heard a LOT of Abba and Vikingarna, that’s for sure. I bought my first cassette player at early age, and just played music constantly. Soon I discovered Supertramp!
In the early teenage years I was happy to just sing along to the songs I loved. When my relatives asked me what I wanted for Christmas or my birthday I always said this or that new album by artists I liked. It was always pop.
When I bought a new cassette player I kept the old one, and that’s when I started using the old one as playback device and record on the new one. That’s why I could sing «on top of» the originals. I guess all these years of just singing constantly both made me aware of singing techniques and also learning english well and quicker. This was way before YouTube and the Internet. I loved learning new English words and found constant inspiration in the songs of my favorite artists. At that time I was heavily into Electric Light Orchestra, Howard Jones, Paul McCartney, Kenny Loggins and our own Norwegian heroes: a-ha. When I was around 15-16 I started composing my own melodies … and there the saga began.
I have held off releasing both of my two recorded studioalbums due to several reasons.…
GETTING SERIOUS: In the autumn of 1990 I reconnected with a guy some years older than…
THE BEGINNING: It started with music being played in the house at all times. My…